Designing a curriculum which will match the needs of the
learners and help them meet the goals of a language course can best be achieved
by starting with a comprehensive needs analysis. Needs analyses explore what
will motivate learners to acquire language in the most efficient way. Needs
analyses play a particularly crucial role in English for Specific Purposes
curriculum development.
The purpose of this article is to identify and analyzing the
specific academic English language needs of the students at Sekolah tinggi Ilmu
Ekonomi (STIE) Sungai Penuh, which is a Economy Management. In order to design
an appropriate EFL curriculum for these students, it is important to identify
their needs by considering the points of view of the administrators, enrolled
students, doctors, and content-area instructors.
The students’
needs that are not being met will be identified by making comparisons among the
perceptions of all the parties. The results of this article can be crucial for
designing the curriculum and developing materials not only for the economy
management students and instructors at STIE but also for other ESP/EAP course
learners and instructors in EFL Management contexts worldwide.
plays an important role in human life. One tries to acquire, learn and use
language as a means of communication, and simultaneously as social symbol of
humanity. By using language someone could make statements, convey facts and
knowledge explain or report something, and keep social relations among the
language users. These indicate that by means of language, people can express
their ideas, feeling, and information through communication. As one of language
in the world, English is considered and applied as international language.
Since then, it is very popular and has been spoken and learnt by almost people
in the world. There are some reasons why English is important and many people
attempt to learn it. Some of them are: for finding job, traveling, interacting
by each other, doing business, taking examination, doing research, writing in
the foreign language. In such developing country like Indonesia, English has a
vital role in all aspects of life, particularly in science and technology.
Furthermore, it can be used for developing relationships in the international
forum, for reading English book (especially for students from primary school
up to colleges/university), to tighten the relationship among nations in
the world. As students, we learn English are intended to obtain various
knowledge, to comprehend and understand the textbooks learned in English to
gain knowledge and skills. Looking at the above important roles of English,
that is why English is very important to understand and to be mastered by every
people throughout the world since before.
will make everybody survive and go anywhere”. This expression reminds us
how importance of English for human life is. As global or universal language,
English is not only enables us to communicate and interact with every people
throughout the world, but also it could alter our life to be better.
Furthermore, we also must be aware that the western countries play extra
ordinary role in developing and keeping science and technology. Thus, if we
want to be a skilful scientists, linguists, and be able to compete with the
other countries in the world, we must understand, master and learn the language
they use, namely English.
1. English
is highly necessary to be learned and mastered by everyone, in order to be able
to compete in the globalization era;
2. English
is a key to open and master science and technology, because most of scientists
write their experts and inventions in English.
3. As
students, we have to prepare ourselves by learning hard, particularly English
as well as the other subjects at university;
4. By
mastering English enables us to become survive and go anywhere throughout the
Knowing is
not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do. Language
indicates nation as English is a bridge for the future.
1.2 Brief
review of an ESP approach in syllabus design
It has long
seem unjust that the growing number f young people learning English and also
studying science and technology should be forced to learn their English largely
through the study of literature, and literary criticism, simply because that
has been, until recently, the only form of teaching offered to her. The
intending student of science or technology usually faces there disadvantages in
the nature of the English teaching available to him:
1. Much time
and effort is spent learning material that is not his primary concern (ie, the
disadvantage of wasted time);
2. The learner
is not given material that is his primary concern (ie, the disadvantage of gaps
in the leaner’s knowledge);
3. In many
cases the attitudes o the teacher of literature are antipathetic to science
(ie, the disadvantage of hostile attitudes).
situation ought to be, in contrast, that the nature of a learner’s needs
should determine the teaching given to him such views form the basis for
teaching English for specific purposes-ESP.
English for
specific purposes is a particular case of the general category of specific
purpose language teaching. The same principles apply no matter which language
is being learned and taught. French for specific purposes, Russian for specific
purposes, Chinese for specific purposes – all of these exist and are
constructed on the same basis as English of specific purposes. The vastly
greater demand for English makes ESP more common than FSP, RSP, or CSP,
but the principles are the same.
Identification of target group
Who are the participants of the curse we design?
Economy management
Identification of Duties of Professional Workers
What are responsibilities of the professional workers in the target
situation (in terms of the use of language)?
Responsibilities of Tour Guide:
Assessment of communicative needs
What kinds of communicative needs do professional workers need to be
able to do the responsibilities?
In order to be able to do these responsibilities the tour guide must
have language ability on:
Translation of Communicative Needs into English Competencies
What English competencies do they need to have in order to be able to
function effectively?
One communicative needs can be translated into several English
Translation of English Competencies into Linguistics and other
What language input should be included in the syllabus in order to
achieve the language needed in the target situation?
To find out the learning needs (language input for class activities),
the competencies can further be translated into detail linguistic and other
· Greetings
· Answering question
· Explaining safety
· Explaining rules
· Explaining etiquette
· Showing places of interest
· Offering something
· Giving direction
· Telling the marketing
· Asking and giving information
· Cross Culture Understanding (CCU)
· Expression/pronunciation
Course Duration : 24 x 45
Course Length : 16 meeting
Size of Group : 30 learners
Resources :
Akamatsu, A. 1994. Give and Take. London.
Longman Group Ltd.
Ashley, A. 1984. A Handbook
of Commercial
Ellis, M. &
Nina, O. 1987. Sosializing.
UK. Longman Group Ltd
Hollet, V.,1991. Business Objectives.
Oxford. OUP
Hornby, A.S.
1995. Oxford
Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
Oxford. OUP
Jordan, R.R. 1990. Academic Writing Course. London. Harper Collins
Langan, J. 1992. College Writing Skills. New York. McGraw Hill, Inc.
O. 2003. Business and Administrative Communication. New York.
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
10. Poe, R.W.,
2006. The McGraw-Hill Handbook of
Business Letters. New York.
11. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Radice, F. 1992. English
for Banking. London. MacMillan Publishers Ltd.
13. Sekaran,
U. 2000. Research Methods for Business. New York. John Wiley &
14. Soars, J & Liz. 1986. Headway Pre-Intermediate.
15. Soars, J & Liz. 1986. Headway Intermediate. Oxford.
Tanka, J & Most, P. 1985. Interactions I. New York.
Random House
17. White, G & Drake, S. 1989. Business Initiative. London. Longman
18. Yorkey, R., 1982. Study Skills for Students of English.
New York.
McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Participants : This course is designed for economy
management students
Objectives : Generally, there are two major objectives
in this course.
To enable learner to do basic
responsibilities as professional businessmen
To enable learner to
communicate using english for
Example of SAP
Satuan Acara Pengajaran (SAP)
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris untuk Tujuan Profesional
Kode Mata Kuliah : UM42-160
SKS : 3
Waktu Pertemuan
: 3 x 50
Pertemuan ke : I (satu)
A. Tujuan
1. Instruksional mum
a. Setelah menyelesaikan
kuliah ini mahasiswa mampu memahami cara-cara memperkenalkan diri dan memperkenalkan orang asing dalam konteks
bisnis dan kerja.
b. Mahasiswa mampu memahami deskripsi tanggung jawab
dan tugas seseorang
sesuai dengan pekerjaannya.
2. Instruksional
a. Mahasiswa mampu
memperkenalkan diri dan memperkenalkan orang
dalam situasi bisnis.
b. Mahasiswa mampu
menggambarkan tugas
dan tanggung jawab seseorang sesuai dengan pekerjaannya.
B. Pokok
Bahasan : Learning Contract dan
Introducing People
C. Sub
: Meeting People, Describing Responsibilities andTasks,
Countries and
D. Kegiatan
Belajar Mengajar:
Kegiatan Pengajar
Media dan
Menjelaskan Kontrak Perkuliahan dan Tata Tertib Kuliah EPP
Menjelaskan ruang
lingkup materi
perkuliahan dan
Menjelaskan metode pembelajaran
dan komposisi
penilaian MK EPP
Pembagian kelompok dan Dosen
Supervisor Tugas UTS dan UAS
Membuat catatan Bertanya
Spidol Laptop
Layar LCD Modul EPP
A. Listening:
Meeting People
1. Describing
2. Describing Responsibilities
3. Describing
4. Personal
5. Countries and
B. Writing: Write
a profile about
Membuat catatan Bertanya
Bahasa Tape Recorder Kaset Papan Tulis Spidol
Layar LCD Modul EPP
Pembagian ringkasan SAP EPP
· dan
Prosedur EPP
· Menugaskan mahasiswa untuk memperkenalkan diri atau orang lain
Membuat catatan Bertanya
Spidol Laptop
e. Evaluasi
dengan menugaskan mahasiswa dengan cara
mandiri maupun berkelompok (2-3 orang) untuk memperkenalkan diri dan memperkenalkan orang lain
di depan kelas.
E. Discussion
- Importance of English for the Students’ Academic Studies
The students regard both English for general and management
purposes as quite important, giving English for management purposes somewhat
more importance because of their academic studies. The content instructors and
the Dean of the faculty also agree that English is very important for these
students, indeed, the academicians feel even more strongly about this than the
students. In addition, supporting the importance they give to management
English, they agree that management English instruction should be given
beginning from the preparatory class. The academicians are clearly asserting
the necessity and importance of English, presumably reflecting the fact that
they often have to use English for their own professional studies. As for the
students, they may not be so conscious of the importance of English for their
professional studies in the future but, in time it is likely they will realize
the importance of English more consciously. As one academician, the Dean of the
faculty, points out, English is very important to better make use of all the
opportunities and facilities of modern medicine and to follow the literature of
the new findings and treatments.
- The Current Class Hours
Neither the students nor the instructors find the current
amount of English instruction at STIE sufficient. The current
expectation of the administration seems to be that the students should improve
their English by studying outside the English classes, using library sources
and the internet, and preparing for their content problem-based learning (PBL)
classes. Clearly this expectation does not match that of the learners or their
content teachers.
For the students to access this management knowledge from the
many management sites and library sources which are mostly in English, their
competency in English is very important. With the limited three hours of Management
English instruction per week, they cannot easily gain the competence to be able
to read publications in English efficiently. Very early on, Maher’s (1986a)
analysis of MEDLINE (index medicus) revealed that a considerable number of
articles were written in English, and English was having an increasing
international importance in management communication. His assumption that this
trend was likely to continue in the future has been enhanced by works such as
Benfield and Howard (2001) and Gunnanson (1998, cited in Swales,2004). The
informal interviews held with the content instructors and students also
supported his assumption. They stated that they needed English to do research
from publications written in English, so English is very important for them.
Fortunately, the Dean seemed to be open to the idea of
change, saying that in the future some adjustments can be done in accordance
with the studies of the Foreign Language Department or this needs analysis
study. So, these findings of the needs analysis can be submitted to the
administration and hopefully, it will be recognized that the students’ specific
language needs can not be met in such a limited time.
- Knowledge of the Instructors to Teach Management English
In terms of the English language instructors’ knowledge to
teach management English, the students, particularly the higher level classes
have negative feelings. They do not find the content knowledge of the English
instructors adequate to teach English for management purposes courses and the
Dean admitted that the management instructors in general are not much aware of
the management terminology. He recommended that they should follow the management
literature and expand their knowledge of management English, especially management
terminology, to better transmit the management knowledge to the students. He
also recommended particularly that the instructors teaching management English
should work cooperatively with some content instructors and exchange their
knowledge and experience. ESP teachers’ familiarity with the students’
discipline is regarded as important (Dudley-Evans & St. John, 1998;
Hutchinson & Waters, 1987; Maher, 1986b). Johns and Price-Machado also
state that ESP content and particular vocabulary, discourses and processes of
the discipline may be challenging for the instructors and suggest that
analyzing discourses of the students’ discipline, negotiating with faculty, and
studying the strategies and language that students need is important. A sense
of insecurity and uncertainty can sometimes be observed amongst EMP teachers
because of their role as lay persons teaching management English among management
professionals, so their selfconfidence can be restored through the guidance of management
professionals (Maher, 1986b).
- Materials and Instructional Methods
In terms of the materials, the academicians
are indecisive about the adequate availability of technological equipment to
teach English effectively, and the students do not appreciate their usage by
the instructors.
The Dean disagrees with the assessment that there is
inadequate technological equipment for language learning. In fact, there is
some technological equipment in the preparatory class as the Dean said, but
there is not any technological equipment particularly available for EMP
teaching. As EMP courses are held in a different place, these materials cannot
be used for the benefit of EMP. So, there seems to be a need for adjustment to
improve the availability of the technological materials and training of the
instructors to use them. Secondly, again, in relation to the technological
equipment, all the parties, including the Dean, agree that the internet should
be used to access management sites.
The internet is an invaluable source for the management
students as it is updated very quickly. The Web is seen as a very useful tool
for researching management topics, with a wealth of updated information
(Belcher, 2004; Kimball 1998; Wood & Head, 2004;) Another reason noted for
why the students need English is for reading library sources. Currently, the
students have low proficiency to read the nearly 45% of the management
resources in the library of the management faculty which is in English.
According to the respondents there simply are not enough management
books translated into Indonesia. During the interviews they also pointed out
the low quality of translations made and therefore, the respondents find it
important that the students should be able to read the original English
resources. Sezer (2000), who reviewed some articles in medline, found
that there were often serious mistakes which caused distortions of meaning,
again confirming the respondents’ arguments. Also, since the pace of
translations cannot keep up with the pace of the publications in medicine, the management
students need to read English resources to have access to the most updated
The other approach investigated was the participants’ overall
attitudes towards the interactive ways of learning in groups. Both groups
regarded this as very important. Although they reacted positively to general
questions about group-based interactive learning, the lower level students
particularly, did not react as positively to the idea of the PBL
(Problem Based Learning) method being adapted to use in English language classes as
did the academicians. Academicians welcomed the idea that problem-based
learning can be adapted in the English classes for the benefit of the students.
As the lower level students are new to practicing this way of instruction, they
may not appreciate its benefits. For students who are used to teacher-centered
models of learning in their previous formal education, they may find a PBL
approach hard to adapt to. It is widely recognized in the literature that for
PBL classes, management students need to do a lot of research as it is
enquiry-based, deductive and a form of discovery learning which improves their
knowledge, reasoning and self-learning skills (Connely & Senaque, 1999;
Harland, 1998, 2003; Huey, 2001; Wood & Head, 2004). As our students are
not used to thinking critically and doing much research to construct sound
ideas, they may find this approach hard at first. However, the studies
conducted to see the effectiveness of PBL revealed that the PBL students had
more clinical reasoning and self learning skills and PBL is therefore very much
worth the effort (Antephol & Herzig, 1999; Hmelo, 1997; Hmelo et. al 1997).
In addition, in these studies the students
themselves found PBL as an effective learning method in comparison with a
lecture format. As for the management students at PU, as particularly the upper
level students see the benefits of it, they can better understand how useful it
is to adapt it to English classes. We can assume that their more positive
attitudes come from greater experience using it, and therefore more
understanding how it might be useful to adapt it to English classes.
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of Cardio-throracic Surgery, 18, 642-648.
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T. and Waters, A. (1987). English for specific purposes. A learning centered
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C.E. (1998). Cognitive consequences of problem-based learning for the early development
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